Frequently asked questions

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General questions:

Discover the basics of WordPress themes, including their importance for creating a unique web presence, compatibility with the latest WordPress version, usage of demo content, and assistance for theme installation.

Venko offers a comprehensive school management solution, encompassing various administrative and academic functions. It streamlines tasks such as student management, fee processing & collection, exam management, grade tracking, bulk data handling, classroom management, course scheduling, student attendance monitoring, homework distribution, communication tools, and more. Explore Venko for an integrated approach to school management.

Venko stands out as a user-friendly, mobile-based school management system, where school teachers, parents, and students can effortlessly manage various aspects of their educational journey using their mobile device.

Venko is committed to offering assistance whenever you require it. Our team of Venko experts is available round-the-clock via call, email, or chat, and you can easily raise tickets through the Venko Support Portal. Additionally, to ensure you're well-versed with the software features, we conduct numerous training sessions, which can be scheduled conveniently either through calls or on Google Meet.

All past data is securely centralized and retained without any deletions. Access to this information is maintained for relevant users even after the transition to a new academic year.

No software installation is needed to operate Venko. It is a completely web-based school management system aimed at simplifying your daily school operations.